How Much the U.S. Trades With China, Canada, and Mexico

Ever wonder where the stuff you buy every day comes from? Turns out, a huge chunk of it comes from just three places: China, Canada, and Mexico. These countries make up more than a third of all the products the U.S. imports. Let’s break it down.

Crude oil tops the list, with $165.3 billion worth imported mostly from Canada (56%) and Mexico (12%). Cars are next, totaling $208 billion, with Mexico contributing 22% and Canada 17%. Computers? $103.2 billion, with 38% from China. And who doesn’t have a phone? The U.S. imported $117.1 billion worth, with nearly half coming from China.

But it’s not just tech and cars. Mexico dominates in delivery trucks (75%) and car parts (41%), while China leads in electric batteries (53%) and toys (77%). Canada, on the other hand, shines in petroleum gas (91%) and rapeseed oil (98%).

Interestingly, the U.S. also exports some goods, like refined petroleum ($31.2 billion) and integrated circuits ($14.5 billion). But overall, the trade balance leans heavily toward imports, especially from China.

From beer to baked goods, tractors to tires, these three countries play a massive role in keeping the U.S. economy moving. So next time you pick up a product, check the label—it might just have traveled from Mexico, Canada, or China!

How Much the U.S. Trades With China, Canada, and Mexico
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