Earth’s Mini-Moon Likely a Piece of the Real Moon

Remember that “mini-moon” that made headlines last year? Turns out, it might actually be a piece of the real moon! Scientists now think the small space rock, named 2024 PT5, was likely blasted off the lunar surface by an ancient collision.

The rock, about the size of a school bus, was spotted near Earth last August. Astronomers quickly got to work studying it before it drifted too far away. After analyzing its composition and orbit, a team of researchers concluded that 2024 PT5 probably originated from the moon. They believe it was sent flying into space after a massive impact on the lunar surface tens of thousands of years ago.

This isn’t the first time scientists have linked a near-Earth object to the moon. Back in 2021, another rock, 469219 Kamoʻoalewa, was also thought to be lunar in origin. Together, these findings suggest there’s a hidden population of moon fragments orbiting near Earth, waiting to be discovered.

“We’ve suspected for a while that pieces of the moon might be out there in these close orbits,” said one of the researchers involved in the study. “Now, we’re starting to find them.”

Earth often picks up temporary “mini-moons” or “quasi-satellites” as it travels through space. These objects, usually asteroids or meteoroids, stick around for a few weeks or months before moving on. Advanced telescopes, like the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS), are helping scientists spot and study these cosmic visitors.

So, the next time you look up at the moon, remember—it might have a few long-lost siblings floating around nearby!

Earth’s Mini-Moon Likely a Piece of the Real Moon
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